Friday, July 31, 2009

Life List of YA Books
As I'm sure I've mentioned before, my sister Heather has an addiction to lists--especially booklists! She recently reminded me that we have a "Life List of YA Books" we are supposed to be reading. Yes, she has it titled, numbered, alpabetized, the whole nine yards. It stands at 195 right now; I think over the course of my life I've read 72 of them, so I've still got a few to go. And with the recent award-winning books being announced (Newbery & Printz), she thinks it's time to add a few. I think she came up with this original list a year or two ago; it's basically a consolidation of scraps of paper we both had lying around with books we wanted to read. It has both classics--think Anne of Green Gables--and recent favorites--A Northern Light (see previous post for more info on this one).
I'm kind of a "streak" reader....for a few months I'll hardly read anything, and then all of a sudden I'll start reading a book or two a week. I guess it must be cabin fever/sick of winter, but I've recently been reading quite a bit again. The last few weeks I've read Olive's Ocean (didn't care for it--sorry Kevin Henkes, Madisonite), Maniac Magee (different--good message, but parts that kind of disturbed me), A Northern Light (awesome!), and Number the Stars (it's set during the Holocaust, so of course very effecting). So, as I'm back into the swing of things, I'll keep you posted with books that really strike me!
Do you have a lifetime reading list? Please share!

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